Book ReviewThis Book is Gay by James Dawson.

Hoi! This is my review of "This Book is Gay"
by James Dawson which is published by Hot Key Books, which is also where I work.
I have been excited for this book for a really long time and I'm really glad I finally get
to share it with you guys because it was published this month.
So this is sort of a YA non-fiction book about everything LGBT * or + whatever you want to use. So the keyring on the back, which describes
what's in the book says the following: Real life, facts, sex education and funny. So James
Dawson used to teach Sex Ed. And this book is definitively for people who want to educate
themselves whether it's just to know more about the topic or whether they're kind of
curious themselves.

Maybe to understand a friend or a family member better or if you're
just interested in the topic in general. This book isn't just sex education, it is literally
about every thing that you might think about or might have questions about. It's about
breaking stereotypes both inside and out of the LGBT+ community. It talks about different
religions and kind of their opinions on this topic and how to talk to people about that.
It's about bullying, it's about dating and sex apps.

Also it's accompanied by really
funny illustrations. And one of my favourites is Chapter 5 "The Fear" where there are people
screaming and Dracula's Castle in the background. One of the main things that I really loved
about this book is that it's really inclusive and if there was something that James didn't
have any personal experience with he has tweets from people and letters and just accounts
of different experiences that they've had often with different opinions as well.
It's quite a quick read, I think it took me about two or three hours. I definitively learnt
some new things as well.

It's funny 'cause it's so light hearted in a way but at the
same time it's such an important book and I think that everyone should read this.
It does say on the back that it is "honestly explicit". And that's what it is 'cause if
you're talking about Sex Ed. Obviously those topics will be discussed. I think at the beginning
of specific chapters it also says: "If you don't feel comfortable reading about this
yet, feel free to skip this chapter and just go into the other ones".
And to give you a little introduction about this book let's start with Lesson One: "Sometimes
men fancy men, sometimes women fancy women, sometimes women fancy men and women, sometimes
men fancy women and men, sometimes people don't fancy anyone, sometimes a man might
want to be a woman, sometimes a woman might want to be a man.

Got it? It really is that
simple. I could've end the Lesson there but I don't think a few pages would make a very
good book so I suppose should go into a bit more depth".
Also in the back there are helpful numbers and websites and stuff which is always good
and if you want to have a chat with the author you can find him in Twitter. I'll put his
Twitter link in the description. I hope you enjoyed this review.

If you've
read this book already, let me know what you thought in the comments and I'll talk to you
guys later. Doei!.

Book ReviewThis Book is Gay by James Dawson.


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