Mindset by Carol DweckAnimated Book Review

In the book, Mindset, Carol Dweck shares how
a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and resilience that is the
basis of great accomplishment in every area of work
and life. Here are the 5 key takeaways from Dwecks
book: One. Adopt a Growth Mindset and Focus on Learning
Over Achievement. When you focus
on a growth mindset, you embrace all the things that have felt threatening.

Instead of
depending on luck or natural talent, you focus on developing your skills and abilities,
and learning from your efforts. Two. The Growth Mindset Allows You to Love What
Youre Doing. With a fixed mindset, you
love the score.

With the growth mindset, you love the process
and the growth. Focus on the
process and growth will come and you will consistently stick with your desired outcome. Three. The Growth Mindset Makes It Worth It, Regardless
of the Outcome best.

With the fixed mindset, unless you win, you
lose. But with the growth mindset, the
journey is the reward, even when things dont go as planned. Four. See Your Relationships from a Growth Mindset.

Have you ever heard Its all about
who you know. Well, that is certainly true. Your relationships and who you are around
most can have a huge impact of your growth and mindset. Five.

We All Have Interests that we want to fulfill. Dont let a fixed mindset hold you back
from what youre capable of and instead focus on a clear-cut process that will get
you to your end goal. Break the chains, let go. Enjoy the process of becoming what youre
capable of.

And you
can start by clicking down below and getting Carol Dwecks Mindset..

Mindset by Carol DweckAnimated Book Review


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