In a pink helicopter, I'll fly home to you~ In a pink helicopter, yes,  then I'll fly home to you every day In a pink helicopter, all the way home to you yes, in a pink helicopter I'll fly through the stars to youuuu~ *watch pewds dancing* Welcome everybody to Meme Review
YouTube's favorite show, yes welcome welcome and finally *claps* Finally I can learn about memes from PewDiePie who.. What have I been doing with my life until now..
I know don't worry. It's going to be ok you are in safe hands.

I'm going to tell you all about the memes Let's just not waste any more time and let's get into the memes *claps* Please please Felix, tell me, what memes have you selected this week on Meme Review. I need to know what meme *claps* *demonic pewds* *To Be Continued* *Right now* Well the first meme is of course Savage Patrick, it's a spongebob meme which some *mumble* immediately makes me wanna gag and Poke my eyes out, but it is actually quite good It's a solid spongebob meme Yes, when you secretly on birth control, and you ask him for Plan B money Savage Patrick My god this meme actually started as a women's movement meme for women to feel like they are also Savage because they are whamen can be Savage yessuh when he giving you head start telling you how good you taste? When he really he's tasting another man nut Savage Patrick oh, I am so pleased that finally women have a meme that they can enjoy and be all like they're Relatable and such I'm all for the women's meme movement there's just not enough women in the meme community scene and it makes me so proud and I. Really cannot speak loudly enough for them When you're riding his face and you pee a little this is actually disgusting ok I can no longer approve of this meme. When you clapping shit from the back and her wig fall off so you put it on wait Absolute savage, my god.

This meme plays of course on the absolute Mad Lad meme But let's be real here, any meme really just spawns on another meme they're all just the same memes balled together in different disguises When you're getting a prostate exam But your doctor doesn't know it's opposite day Wow Pewdiepie: *snot  comes out nose* edit this out Please brad and brad #2 Brad and Brad number two great great. I'm sure they'll appreciate that one great I can almost see what this one says that that look when someone is tryin to roast you and you about to end his whole life in one sentence Absolute savage Patrick. When she's 13, but you got the stiffy, Uh? Great it's not just savage Patrick It's more like, taking advantage Patrick I would debate It's probably more suiting name. When the sex is trash, so you spit on her back and act like you nutted, so you can dip(?) Clearly This is a meme with an intellectual seal of approval.

When you drink water that's free Savage Patrick. My god! How far can they take this meme you might say. Oh no When people say my 3d artwork is ugly, creepy and disgusting, but that was the plan all along oh my god Who made, Who made this crying face crying face crying face emoji that is disgusting, despicable! And I'm also Quite aroused. I would let that Patrick Savage me if you know what I mean.

Me making plans in the group chat Knowing I'm not gonna show up anyway How relatable and joyous wow this meme is already shit, and it has barely even gotten started $399 everybody Excellent I think this one is actually my favorite. Me leaving the pot in the sink because it needs to soak Why is his eyebrows two M characters? Let's rate this meme everybody first of all it's a spongebob meme So we get to plus, nothing, because it's a garbage. That's right It's trash. IT bElOnGs iN tHe TrAsH gUyS.

Second of all it gets one patrick Star. That's all it gets *claps* Next meme everybody, next meme Fortnite memes the best finest of all somehow Fortnite is now the most watched and streamed game on twitch reaching twice as many viewers as PUBG. PUBG the game that started it all But then this roblox ass looking game came out of nowhere and said hey we're free You can play play us please and thus creating By its popularity a lot a lot of memes . Some of them starting off with the theme of romance Romans isn't dead i'm hiding in a bush to text you back in fortnight.

Well real epic gamer dudes like myself Alright, we wouldn't boast about such such such acts okay We will just do it like it was an any day sort of deed alright I wouldn't boast about me giving flowers to my girlfriend I just do it because I'm a gentleman and I wouldn't tell people oh yes I am hiding it in a shack right now. Just so I can text you back, baby I would be too good to even have to do that. I'm sending you this text in a bush Stop crying face crying face crying face crying face crying face crying face That is absolutely hilarious, and the funniest thing I might have seen in my entire life Somehow the theme between fortnight and relationships continues. Her: He's probably thinking about another woman Him: But I shot him with a pump shotgun from close range And it only did seven damage this meme is stolen and we already reviewed it! Somehow the relationship meme in fortnite continues Find a girl who supports your fortnight goals I hate fortnite! Baby, you can do this Look at your mistakes analyse them fix them dominate Solo, oh my god, baby.

I'm so proud of you sometimes I think that Stalin was right, not about the gulags, but of course about people playing fortnight As a father. It's my job to respect my son's opinion. UM.. Dad? Yes, my dear son? PUBG Is better than fortnite What is this? What is this huh? WHaT iS tHis? Are you trying to pretend that it's somehow the better opinion to prefer fortnite over PUBG.

That's like saying Roblox is better than Minecraft That's like saying Hunger Games, is Better than Harry Potter you just cannot do that you just can't say those things Hey kid, you should play fortnite. No Thanks. I'm already gay Gunshots fortnite people, if you get shot in PUBG. You gotta take it like a man and realise ptchung gotcha in fortnite you just have to build and then, I can't, I-I  never played the game actually I don't know what happens I guess you build stuff in the game? When Trump plays fortnite for the first time and sees that you can build walls wow It made a rebounce everybody look at that when ya boy is crying because his girl dumped him And you realized he has more time to spend with you and fortnite.

Oh look how cute PUBG is better than fortnight oh, no, it's retar- no! PUBG is better than fortnite Just because you plebs can't afford to buy a video game doesn't make it better you dumb little Schmucks don't make me laugh Discussing a spot to land in fortnite Battle Royale. You are playing a kids game You realize that with kids cartoons. This male just played fortnite, at the moment he stands no chance of mating That's right. If you are playing fortnite you are a pathetic beta male that needs to just stop You might as well be speedrunning Hello Kitty Island Adventure Because that's about as pathetic as you are PUBG versus fortnite.

That's right solid evidence I got solid proof here that real men plays PUBG. And little whiny roblox minecraft kids play fortnite. It has been proven. Hey It's the PUBG Bros Mama, why-a you never remember my name? I am-a sorry free to play PUBG.

Oh absolute savage Whoa, the fortnite memes gets of course a nine out of Six Do we have time for bonus me let's investigate Sorry we didn't have time for bonus meme, perhaps next time you will be more lucky.



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