Books to Read in 2018 + My Reading List
Hi everyone! Welcome back to Lavendaire. So it's the beginning of the year
and a lot of you are asking me about book recommendations,
so today I wanted to compile a short list of books that I highly recommend
you read in 2018. These are all books that have highly impacted
my life or changed my life in some positive way. I'm also gonna share my reading list
for this year.
It's not the complete reading list but just
the immediate five or six books that I'm planning to read next. And I'm gonna include audiobooks as well,
because that's been my new favorite thing: listening to books and reading them
at the same time. I mean, different books, but you know what
I mean. So the first book that I highly recommend
you read is a classic.
It is this one. It's called "The Success Principles" by Jack
Canfield. Jack Canfield is the co-creator of Chicken
Soup for the Soul, the really popular series of books. And yes, it's kind of big.
And to be honest, guys, I've only finished
70% of it. It's on my list to finish this book. But you know, reading most of this book has
already changed my life so much. I read this book, I think, in 2013, 2014.
This is really the book that helped
change my mindset on how to be successful, how to build these new habits,
how to build my mind, make my mind stronger that I can be able to persevere in my journey. It just gives you so much good insight on
what makes people achievers and what makes people succeed. It's definitely one to pick up
if you're looking to create your dream life, because so much of creating this life
that you want and chasing your dreams is mental. So much of it is stamina.
How strong is your mind? How patient can you be? How positive can you be? How optimistic can you be? All of those things that are mentioned in
this book. The next books I don't have a physical copy
of because I read mostly on my iPad using iBooks and now I use
the Kindle app more. The second book that I'm highly recommending
is called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. This is a book that you want to read if you
want to learn how to be consistent in life, whether it's consistent
with building positive habits or consistent at making YouTube videos or
consistent at whatever it is that you want to focus on this year.
This book really paints the picture
of the power of small actions taken every day, because baby steps taken every day
can add up to huge change and huge difference over a course of years. So it talks about compounding, which is related
to investing. But it also talks about compounding in terms
of compounding your actions. It's definitely a book that changed my life
and set the tone for my work ethic with YouTube and my career.
I've definitely recommended this book before,
but I think it's worth mentioning again because it's such a good one. The next book I recommend is for creatives,
anyone who's on a creative journey. It's called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. I feel like this is one of those classic books
that all artists should read.
The other classic book is "Big Magic" by Elizabeth
Gilbert. And I recommend that all the time, but I recommended
that last year so I wanted to switch it up and recommend
The War of Art. This book is just one
that will teach you how to get over resistance. Resistance is the thing
that keeps you from doing your work.
I've talked about it in my procrastination
videos. It's basically what makes you procrastinate
and not be as productive, not face the work. It's fear, basically. It teaches you what resistance is, and how
to beat it.
The next book that I want to recommend is
an audiobook. It's "The Power of Vulnerability"
by Brene Brown. This is not really a traditional book. It's more of a series of lectures.
I think they're actually live lectures held
by Brene Brown. And Brene Brown,
she's had the TED talk also called The Power of Vulnerability, I believe,
which is really good so you should watch that. But this is a long lecture
over multiple days where she just goes really in-depth about vulnerability and shame. And it's just one that I found myself listening
to and getting so many feels and so many new insights on emotions and human
beings, how we are and how there is power in being vulnerable.
So that book, that audiobook,
inspired me to be more of myself and step forward and open up
and be more vulnerable in everyday life, with my family, friends, and on YouTube,
because that's how we make genuine human connection, is when we're vulnerable. And if you dont have Audible, then I have
a link down below where you can get a free trial for 30 days. But if you don't want to
listen to this audiobook and you're looking for a physical book to read,
then any other book by Brene Brown, I would recommend as well. The last book I want to recommend is a cute
one, and it's a quick read.
It's "The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up". So I've already recommended
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up so many times. I've read that book
maybe two years ago. So my friend gave this to me as a gift.
It's basically a comic book version, a storyline
version of Konmari coming in to consult this messy woman. And it's a really cute comic. I read this in two nights. So it's a fun refresher if you read
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
If you haven't read that book,
then this is like the quick read version of it. I think it teaches you
the basics of the Konmari system, and if you have any friends
who don't really like to read but you kind of want to give them an idea of Konmari,
how to tidy, how to declutter, then I would recommend gifting them this book. I've already had two friends who asked to
borrow this book, and I might just buy extra copies for them,
because I know they won't return it if I give it to them. But anyway, if you've gone through the Konmari
journey, then this book is a great refresher and it
will inspire you to want to tidy through your things again because it's
been quite some time since I did a major tidy.
Even though she says you dont have to do
it again, since I'm moving in a couple weeks, I'm gonna be excited to do it again as I move
into a new space. Now I'm gonna share some books that I plan
to read this year, and I'm gonna share some audiobooks as well. So my first book
that I'm gonna pick up next after I finish reading my current book,
which is "Girl Code" by Cara Alwill Leyba. The next book is called "Everybody Lies".
And this is a book that my brother read and
recommended to me because he really loved it. He said that there was a lot of things that
blew his mind. So it's a book about data and internet searches,
and how you can find out a lot about human behavior and human interests by
seeing what people search on Google. So I'm interested to see all the random facts
and stories in that book.
And then the next book that I want to read
is one that I was recommended by a friend, Cyrus, at Global Creator Camp. He's also a YouTuber, from France. He talks about philosophy. He recommended the book, "Sapiens", and this
is a book that says it's a brief history of human evolution.
So I'm interested in just learning more
about humans, human behavior. I don't know, everything related to that. Another book that I want to read this year
is called "The Storyteller's Secret". And this one is written by someone who wrote
another book called "Talk Like Ted".
His books are about public speaking, how to
tell a story, and I want to read that book just so that
I can learn how to tell stories because it affects my videos and my podcast. So how to improve my craft in that way. Another book that I'm excited to read this
year is "Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies From
a Life at Disney". I'm not sure if that's the title, because
the title's pretty long.
But it's written by a guy who worked at Disney
for decades, and he teaches their leadership strategies, how they keep
their team motivated and how Disney has such a positive culture. So I'm looking to learn
how to be a better leader, how to lead a team, how to create a positive culture
with Lavendaire and stuff, as well. I have to shout out to Niki
from our Mastermind group because she recommended that book to me. And I think this author wrote a ton of other
books related to Disney, management.
There's one called "Time Management Magic"
that, if I like this Disney book, I might read that
one as well. And the last one I'll mention is one that's
been on my reading list for over a year, I'm sure. It's called "In the Company of Women", by
Grace Bonney. I first saw Grace Bonney on an interview on
Marie Forleo's channel, which is amazing by the way.
If you guys don't know Marie Forleo, check
her out. But I've read so many great things about this
book. It's basically a bunch of interviews
with women entrepreneurs, and I don't know. I heard it's really inspiring.
It makes you feel empowered as a woman and
a businessperson. So I'm looking forward to just get inspired
by that. I really do think that
2018 is the year of females, if not last year it was already ramping up,
but this year is the year that females are dominating. We have the #TimesUp thing
going on, we have just girl bosses stepping up and I feel so powerful.
I feel like it's the best time to be a woman
right now. Lastly I'll share some audiobooks, because
they're my new favorite way to consume books. I love listening to audiobooks while I drive. So I'm currently listening to "Light is the
New Black" by Rebecca Campbell.
I got recommended this book by my friend Lynette. I've been loving it. It's definitely very heady. And it definitely inspires me in terms of
light and consciousness and spirituality and stuff.
I think, for a first-time listener,
if you're not used to these terms, it might kind of throw you off, but I don't know, I
really like it. Next up on my audiobooks list are: The Untethered
Soul. I have this book downloaded already,
so after I'm done with Light is the New Black, I'm gonna listen to that one
because I've heard so many great things about it. I'm not sure if it's best
to listen to that book or read that book, but I guess I'll find out by listening to
And then after that, I plan to listen to "Judgment
Detox", which is Gabrielle Bernstein's new book. So that's what's on my audiobook list so far. I do have a wish list which, after I'm done
with a book, I usually just look at my wish list
and see if I want anything or just look at what's new and see if I want to listen to
anything new. Definitely let me know if you have recommendations
on must-read books and must-listen audiobooks this year.
I've super excited about finding new things,
learning new things. And as you might be able to tell, I'm kind
of reading books outside of self help and personal growth because
the books that I recommend, related to that, I feel like I read them two
or three years ago. And any newer books,
I feel like they don't have as strong as an impact on me as the first books that I read. I think because, when you first read these
books, you're like mind-blown and it's so inspiring and really changes your
But after you've implemented things
you've learned from those first few books, then any new books you read
are kind of like the cherry on top, and it doesn't feel as transformational. So that's why I always feel like I recommend
older books, vs. The newer books that I've read. Not to say that the newer books are not as
It's just, personally,
I felt more impacted by the early books that I've read. But anyway, I'm just looking to continue expanding
my mind in different areas, continue learning for the rest of my life. I love learning, I love just reading
about new things, discovering new things. So yes, any recommendations
are greatly appreciated, not just in self help but in everything else too.
Alright, have a beautiful day. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. And I hope you do some reading tonight. Alright, bye!.
and a lot of you are asking me about book recommendations,
so today I wanted to compile a short list of books that I highly recommend
you read in 2018. These are all books that have highly impacted
my life or changed my life in some positive way. I'm also gonna share my reading list
for this year.
It's not the complete reading list but just
the immediate five or six books that I'm planning to read next. And I'm gonna include audiobooks as well,
because that's been my new favorite thing: listening to books and reading them
at the same time. I mean, different books, but you know what
I mean. So the first book that I highly recommend
you read is a classic.
It is this one. It's called "The Success Principles" by Jack
Canfield. Jack Canfield is the co-creator of Chicken
Soup for the Soul, the really popular series of books. And yes, it's kind of big.
And to be honest, guys, I've only finished
70% of it. It's on my list to finish this book. But you know, reading most of this book has
already changed my life so much. I read this book, I think, in 2013, 2014.
This is really the book that helped
change my mindset on how to be successful, how to build these new habits,
how to build my mind, make my mind stronger that I can be able to persevere in my journey. It just gives you so much good insight on
what makes people achievers and what makes people succeed. It's definitely one to pick up
if you're looking to create your dream life, because so much of creating this life
that you want and chasing your dreams is mental. So much of it is stamina.
How strong is your mind? How patient can you be? How positive can you be? How optimistic can you be? All of those things that are mentioned in
this book. The next books I don't have a physical copy
of because I read mostly on my iPad using iBooks and now I use
the Kindle app more. The second book that I'm highly recommending
is called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. This is a book that you want to read if you
want to learn how to be consistent in life, whether it's consistent
with building positive habits or consistent at making YouTube videos or
consistent at whatever it is that you want to focus on this year.
This book really paints the picture
of the power of small actions taken every day, because baby steps taken every day
can add up to huge change and huge difference over a course of years. So it talks about compounding, which is related
to investing. But it also talks about compounding in terms
of compounding your actions. It's definitely a book that changed my life
and set the tone for my work ethic with YouTube and my career.
I've definitely recommended this book before,
but I think it's worth mentioning again because it's such a good one. The next book I recommend is for creatives,
anyone who's on a creative journey. It's called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. I feel like this is one of those classic books
that all artists should read.
The other classic book is "Big Magic" by Elizabeth
Gilbert. And I recommend that all the time, but I recommended
that last year so I wanted to switch it up and recommend
The War of Art. This book is just one
that will teach you how to get over resistance. Resistance is the thing
that keeps you from doing your work.
I've talked about it in my procrastination
videos. It's basically what makes you procrastinate
and not be as productive, not face the work. It's fear, basically. It teaches you what resistance is, and how
to beat it.
The next book that I want to recommend is
an audiobook. It's "The Power of Vulnerability"
by Brene Brown. This is not really a traditional book. It's more of a series of lectures.
I think they're actually live lectures held
by Brene Brown. And Brene Brown,
she's had the TED talk also called The Power of Vulnerability, I believe,
which is really good so you should watch that. But this is a long lecture
over multiple days where she just goes really in-depth about vulnerability and shame. And it's just one that I found myself listening
to and getting so many feels and so many new insights on emotions and human
beings, how we are and how there is power in being vulnerable.
So that book, that audiobook,
inspired me to be more of myself and step forward and open up
and be more vulnerable in everyday life, with my family, friends, and on YouTube,
because that's how we make genuine human connection, is when we're vulnerable. And if you dont have Audible, then I have
a link down below where you can get a free trial for 30 days. But if you don't want to
listen to this audiobook and you're looking for a physical book to read,
then any other book by Brene Brown, I would recommend as well. The last book I want to recommend is a cute
one, and it's a quick read.
It's "The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up". So I've already recommended
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up so many times. I've read that book
maybe two years ago. So my friend gave this to me as a gift.
It's basically a comic book version, a storyline
version of Konmari coming in to consult this messy woman. And it's a really cute comic. I read this in two nights. So it's a fun refresher if you read
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.
If you haven't read that book,
then this is like the quick read version of it. I think it teaches you
the basics of the Konmari system, and if you have any friends
who don't really like to read but you kind of want to give them an idea of Konmari,
how to tidy, how to declutter, then I would recommend gifting them this book. I've already had two friends who asked to
borrow this book, and I might just buy extra copies for them,
because I know they won't return it if I give it to them. But anyway, if you've gone through the Konmari
journey, then this book is a great refresher and it
will inspire you to want to tidy through your things again because it's
been quite some time since I did a major tidy.
Even though she says you dont have to do
it again, since I'm moving in a couple weeks, I'm gonna be excited to do it again as I move
into a new space. Now I'm gonna share some books that I plan
to read this year, and I'm gonna share some audiobooks as well. So my first book
that I'm gonna pick up next after I finish reading my current book,
which is "Girl Code" by Cara Alwill Leyba. The next book is called "Everybody Lies".
And this is a book that my brother read and
recommended to me because he really loved it. He said that there was a lot of things that
blew his mind. So it's a book about data and internet searches,
and how you can find out a lot about human behavior and human interests by
seeing what people search on Google. So I'm interested to see all the random facts
and stories in that book.
And then the next book that I want to read
is one that I was recommended by a friend, Cyrus, at Global Creator Camp. He's also a YouTuber, from France. He talks about philosophy. He recommended the book, "Sapiens", and this
is a book that says it's a brief history of human evolution.
So I'm interested in just learning more
about humans, human behavior. I don't know, everything related to that. Another book that I want to read this year
is called "The Storyteller's Secret". And this one is written by someone who wrote
another book called "Talk Like Ted".
His books are about public speaking, how to
tell a story, and I want to read that book just so that
I can learn how to tell stories because it affects my videos and my podcast. So how to improve my craft in that way. Another book that I'm excited to read this
year is "Creating Magic: 10 Common Sense Leadership Strategies From
a Life at Disney". I'm not sure if that's the title, because
the title's pretty long.
But it's written by a guy who worked at Disney
for decades, and he teaches their leadership strategies, how they keep
their team motivated and how Disney has such a positive culture. So I'm looking to learn
how to be a better leader, how to lead a team, how to create a positive culture
with Lavendaire and stuff, as well. I have to shout out to Niki
from our Mastermind group because she recommended that book to me. And I think this author wrote a ton of other
books related to Disney, management.
There's one called "Time Management Magic"
that, if I like this Disney book, I might read that
one as well. And the last one I'll mention is one that's
been on my reading list for over a year, I'm sure. It's called "In the Company of Women", by
Grace Bonney. I first saw Grace Bonney on an interview on
Marie Forleo's channel, which is amazing by the way.
If you guys don't know Marie Forleo, check
her out. But I've read so many great things about this
book. It's basically a bunch of interviews
with women entrepreneurs, and I don't know. I heard it's really inspiring.
It makes you feel empowered as a woman and
a businessperson. So I'm looking forward to just get inspired
by that. I really do think that
2018 is the year of females, if not last year it was already ramping up,
but this year is the year that females are dominating. We have the #TimesUp thing
going on, we have just girl bosses stepping up and I feel so powerful.
I feel like it's the best time to be a woman
right now. Lastly I'll share some audiobooks, because
they're my new favorite way to consume books. I love listening to audiobooks while I drive. So I'm currently listening to "Light is the
New Black" by Rebecca Campbell.
I got recommended this book by my friend Lynette. I've been loving it. It's definitely very heady. And it definitely inspires me in terms of
light and consciousness and spirituality and stuff.
I think, for a first-time listener,
if you're not used to these terms, it might kind of throw you off, but I don't know, I
really like it. Next up on my audiobooks list are: The Untethered
Soul. I have this book downloaded already,
so after I'm done with Light is the New Black, I'm gonna listen to that one
because I've heard so many great things about it. I'm not sure if it's best
to listen to that book or read that book, but I guess I'll find out by listening to
And then after that, I plan to listen to "Judgment
Detox", which is Gabrielle Bernstein's new book. So that's what's on my audiobook list so far. I do have a wish list which, after I'm done
with a book, I usually just look at my wish list
and see if I want anything or just look at what's new and see if I want to listen to
anything new. Definitely let me know if you have recommendations
on must-read books and must-listen audiobooks this year.
I've super excited about finding new things,
learning new things. And as you might be able to tell, I'm kind
of reading books outside of self help and personal growth because
the books that I recommend, related to that, I feel like I read them two
or three years ago. And any newer books,
I feel like they don't have as strong as an impact on me as the first books that I read. I think because, when you first read these
books, you're like mind-blown and it's so inspiring and really changes your
But after you've implemented things
you've learned from those first few books, then any new books you read
are kind of like the cherry on top, and it doesn't feel as transformational. So that's why I always feel like I recommend
older books, vs. The newer books that I've read. Not to say that the newer books are not as
It's just, personally,
I felt more impacted by the early books that I've read. But anyway, I'm just looking to continue expanding
my mind in different areas, continue learning for the rest of my life. I love learning, I love just reading
about new things, discovering new things. So yes, any recommendations
are greatly appreciated, not just in self help but in everything else too.
Alright, have a beautiful day. Don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. And I hope you do some reading tonight. Alright, bye!.

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