Chrome OS Guided Tour

Hi, I'm Josh, a product manager for Chrome OS. I'm going to walk you through how to use your Chrome device, and some of the recent updates and features to the Chrome operating
system. Chrome devices are designed to boot in
seconds, and they're shareable.  Login to your own account for a totally personalized experience, or let friends or family family log into their own accounts to
get their own experience.

For a quick loan, you can let someone
browse in guest mode.  Once you're logged in, your apps, extensions, and everything else are ready to use. In addition, customizable settings allow
you to choose  from a number of different background images.  With a Chrome device, it's easy to
connect to a Wi-Fi network.

Some models also come with built-in 3G, so you can surf the web from just about everywhere. Your Chrome device comes with many apps,
as well as Google Drive  and all the power of the cloud built-in. Through the Chrome Web Store, you can also
install thousands of apps, many of them free, on your device, to help you work, play, and listen to
music.  Just click the app you want and within
seconds it's there.

You can also play great new games, or,
with the Chromebook, use the built-in webcam to hang out with one, two, or even nine of your friends at the same time.  Many apps work offline, so even when you're not connected, you can still keep getting
stuff done. To get to your favorite apps as quickly
as possible, you can pin them directly in the launcher. You can have as many different apps or
windows open at one time, and you can use two apps side-by-side, easily arranging them on the desktop.

From the apps list, you can also access
stuff in your file manager, from a USB key, or from any external hard drive.  Plug in your camera, edit photos, and then
upload them to the cloud, sharing the final shots with everyone.  Want to share the photos in person instead? Print out a few of your favorites using
Google Cloud Print.  Tabs open on your Chrome browser can
also be synced with your Android tablet, so you can pick things up right
where you left off.

But my favorite thing about Chrome devices
is that they're designed to improve over time. Your Chrome device will update
automatically so you always have the latest stuff.  To learn more, visit google.Com/chromebook. Thanks for watching!.

Chrome OS Guided Tour


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